Raising your Vibration

Have you ever walked into a room and felt dark or gloomy?  Maybe you have woke up in a bad mood but, on the way to work, someone smiled at you, held a door open or paid for your morning drink.  It changed your mood, right?  Well, this is literally and exchange or influence of a person’s energy and how you allow it to affect you.  Yes – we have control over our personal frequency!

Each of us is made of energy and carry with us a level of vibration or frequency.  Identified by emotion or state of being, these are either Low/ negative or High/ positive.  See the chart below and find where you reside most of the time.

Good! Now that you have evaluated where you typically reside mentally/emotionally from day to day, you have a point of reference and can see the opportunity for progress ahead!

Where would you like to be on this chart? How would you like to feel ? Do you want to feel less edgy or stressed?   If you regularly complain, blame and say things like, ” Why don’t things ever work out for me? There’s always something ( negative) happening in my life”,  you are likely creating exactly what you are saying  because of the vibration you are residing in.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it! Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics!”   Albert Einstein.

By raising your awareness of how you think, believe, speak and act you can raise your consciousness, thus raising your vibration.  Imagine the influence for good you can have just by choosing happiness!?   It takes daily practice but consistently and consciously chosen over time, it can become a state of being!

There are many ways to increase your Vibration – Foods, thoughts, books, music, FUN,  meditation, prayer, gratitude, service… these are some of the BEST Ways!   But you should really consider the energy of the activity or thing you are choosing to ingest or participate in.  Anything that is in positive alignment with Nature will raise your vibration.  Take a walk barefoot in grass or on a beach. Hike a mountain or do some gardening. Choosing gratitude, forgiveness and love will raise your vibration.  Let go of a grudge. Cease to fault find or release the need to be justified. Find ways to serve and uplift your fellowman. Listening to uplifting music or reading books that expand your knowledge and elevate your mind will increase your vibration. Eating foods as close to their natural state in vibrant colors will increase your vibration. Even mindfully praying over your food will raise the vibration of the food and thus yourself.  Taking time to meditate and thinking creatively will raise your vibration!

Hopefully you can recognize that positive feelings raise your vibration energy and negative feelings  lower your vibrations, and you have the ability to control this energy for yourself.  Sure – other people may influence our emotions, however we are each ultimately responsible for choosing our misery or our happiness.

Isn’t it awesome to have the power within us to transmute energy!

So, again, “How can I raise my vibration?”

  1. Practice Happy Positive thoughts and words-  sounds easy enough but it requires more awareness and conscious effort than you might think .  Because daily happiness is a chosen perspective we must get vitally interested in ourselves. I mean, you have to know what makes you tick or what ticks you off and why! You can do  the work to identify false beliefs and programs acquired through life experience and discern and determine if they are truth.  This is a constant ongoing journey…. I am not sure it ever ends but it’s SO EXCITING and LIBERATING!
  2. Create NEW Truth beliefs –  Truth is truth if it applies to all human kind.  Choose words that are expansive in your self talk and social communication and you will know you are on the right track. If you are choosing thoughts and words that are limiting and final – these are likely not truth beliefs. Choose words mindfully.
  3.  Nurture knowledge and Joy – listen to personal development talks, read edifying and uplifting books, learn something new.
  4. Get out into nature – exercise, meditate or consciously check out of the house and into grass, trees, flowers, rocks and animals. Walk barefoot on earth. Hike a mountain.  Swim in the ocean.
  5.  Do Something FUN!  Wholesome fun is the best kind.  Laughter is a great healer. Be silly.  Connect with friends in positive ways!
  6.  Get Creative !  Enjoy an art class or craft project.  Do something creative you haven’t done before.
  7.  USE Essential Oils daily – they carry in them the high vibrations of plants!  Apply them to reflex points, inhale from a diffuser or your hands and even take them internally. ( I only trust my favorite brand  – doterra!)
  8.  Be grateful – keep a gratitude journal, say thank you, express your gratitude to others regularly …especially to your Father in Heaven, Daily.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order and confusion to clarity. It can turn and meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend” Melody Beattie

As you determine to live in higher vibrations , you will begin to experience more abundance, less worry , better health and the ability to overcome obstacles that come your way. You will begin to see things with more clarity and open your “inner wisdom” to more enlightenment and joy!  Challenges and trials will still exist but you will be able to meet them with increased hope and courage!  There is purpose to all of life’s experiences.  Look for lessons in all you encounter. This life is a wonderful journey and we are meant to have JOY!