How do Essential Oils work?

Essential oils are amazing.

One of the characteristics of essential oils is that they are by nature extremely small. When we look at things on a molecular level, we are often astounded by how small things really are.

There are about 3.7×10^13 (37,000,000,000,000 or 37 trillion) cells in the human body. If you include the microorganisms in the intestines that help us digest our food, there are about 100 trillion cells.

If you put simply one drop of essential oils in your body, there would be enough molecules to supply 1.2 million essential oil compounds for each cell in the human body. That’s about the population of the State of Maine in the USA. For each cell.

Essential oils are extremely small. Some consist of only a few dozen atoms. Compared to proteins, they are tiny. Proteins can be from 100 to 1000 times bigger than essential oils.

Essential oils are also lipids, which means that they dissolve and easily mix with oils.

These characteristics give essential oils some unique properties. This is one of the reasons essential oils can enter our body through our skin.

Most importantly, however, is their accessibility to the living cell. Essential oils work so well to provide otherwise unattainable therapeutic benefits because they so easily pass through the membrane of the cell. This means they can address issues both inside and outside the cell. This unique structural characteristic gives them the ability to influence cellular activity.

There are potentially no tissue barriers to essential oils within the body.

Essential oils can promote change and specific function within the body. They can selectively target specific cells and stimulate specific therapeutic systemic responses.

Wow, try to say that three times fast.

Your body has amazing defense mechanisms. One of these is the blood-brain barrier. This barrier is the filtering mechanism between the blood and the brain that prevents certain damaging substances from reaching your most precious organ, your brain.

Essential oils can cross your blood-brain barrier. This is significant because 98% of small molecule drugs cannot cross the blood-brain barrier(ME). Like badly administered airport security, the blood-brain defense mechanism also makes it difficult for some good things to enter. Essential oils are an exception. The essential oil compounds known as sesquiterpenes-commonly found in Frankincense and Sandalwood essential oils are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and even interact with neurotransmitters and receptors. Oils in these categories are often good for enhancing memory, cognitive function, and mood. This is quite and amazing characteristic of essential oils.

Not all essential oils can cross this blood-brain barrier, but all of them have the ability to influence brain activity through the olfactory bulb. Orders are processed in the limbic system. This system also processes memories and emotions. The sense of smell is unique because no other sensory system so directly and intensely contacts the neural substrates of emotion and memory. This explains why odor-enhanced memories are usually emotionally charged.

Enter Amidala (click). No, not the benign Star Wars Princess. The amygdala gland of the limbic system that plays a major roll in storing and releasing emotional trauma. (click) Sometimes accessing and releasing these emotions provides a key to deep healing.

One powerful way to stimulate the amygdala gland is with aroma. What an amazing built-in utility panel our body gives us for dealing with emotional trauma. The unique and wonderful characteristics provide powerful tools for unlocking and releasing these emotions.

For some people seeking wellness, this aspect alone is the most vital and valuable characteristic of essential oils.

Essential oils enter our system
aromatically – though our olfactory system or our lungs
internally – through our mouth, throat, or digestive system
topically – through our skin

The effects of the essential oils can be Localized or Systemic (through the body or system)

Unlike synthetic remedies, essential oils do not accumulate in the body. Essential oils have a very low potential to be physically habit-forming because they are eliminated extremely quickly through the skin and organs. Hence, there is no residual or accumulative effect to withdraw from or to become addicted to.
Because essential oils have a very tiny molecular weight and size, they are easily absorbed through the skin. They take seconds to enter the body. They can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 12 hours to be fully absorbed into all the cells of the body. They take about 3 to 6 hours to be expelled or metabolized in a normal healthy body, and up to 12 to 14 hours for an unhealthy or obese body.
Another interesting thing about the essential oils is that each oil can take a different pathway through the body. The different methods of application and the pathway taken can also enhance or change the therapeutic benefit of the essential oil.
It’s a fascinating science and art that is gratifying to learn about.