Finding my healthy Body

Finding my Healthy Body
As I have been on this journey of self discovery, one of my focuses was to create the body I feel inside. Does that make sense? This is not about having a perfect model type body. It is however, about me reflecting on the outside what I feel on the inside.  I intend to live my life being strong, capable and self reliant. In order to do this, I felt that losing weight would help me achieve this goal. In order to loose weight I knew I had to change my view and relationship with food and exercise. What I didn’t know is how this journey would change and expand my view of myself and others, especially in the area of self love and spiritual connectedness. (I know it’s not really a word, but I am keeping it.)  I am talking about the harmony between all parts of me… mind, body and spirit.  Below is something I received yesterday that was pure enlightenment along my path. And I am grateful for it and pray it blesses someone else on their path to self discovery. By the way, I am down 16 lbs. since my highest weight last spring.

Spirit Energy and Appearance
Downloads from heaven ;
Spirit is energy. Individuals have spirits unique to them in the likeness of their physical body. Our Spirit appearance is known inside of each of us. When we begin to Love ourselves authentically and connect the spirit to body we begin to behave or do things that match the frequency of our spirit body appearance and transform into that authentic spirit energy and form.  This means that our desire for healthy food increases and the desire to move our bodies increase to match the frequency of our spirit body. This is a gentle yet active process, even in relation to food and exercise. It need not be painful or extreme, yet it does sometimes require Focused effort for some to “shake off the chains” ( fat, toxins etc…) to achieve more clarity in body and mind. Those who work out heavily, with an extreme perspective on what they DON”T want to look like, (rather than a love for what they “know” their spirit body looks like), may not be achieving spiritual balance and happiness between spirit and body.  This might look more like abuse to the body rather than love of the body… only an individual can know the difference. It is not up to you or me to be the judge of this on behalf of someone else although it may be a sense we experience.
Although I haven’t done much mirror work (looking in the mirror and saying loving affirmations about myself and my desires) I can now see the importance or impact this can have in a positive manner. It requires us to get to know ourselves and to be able to picture in our minds eye what we look like as a spirit being… especially in the face, and especially in the eyes.
Our outside appearance is not WHO we are until the spirit , mind and body are in connection with each other, This means vibrations of the being are in harmony with each other. This only takes place with love.  When true self love is present, an expansion of love takes place changing our very nature and is manifested as a love of self AND for all mankind. We cannot hate someone else and have true self love at the same time.

Some of the Oils that I use for this aspect of me are;
Grapefruit – The oil of Honoring the Body
Clary Sage – The oil of Clarity and Vision
Fennel – The oil of Responsibility
Lemon – The oil of Focus
Ginger – The oil of Empowerment
Metabolic Blend – The Oil of Inner Beauty

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