Lovely and Liberating Lavender

Often referred to as the “Mother of all Oils” , Lavender’s soothing, calming, nurturing and protective properties assist us mind, body and spirit, just like a mother’s love.

Applications to the Body;

Apply 1-2 drops “neat” or with a carrier oil to Burns, cuts, scrapes, blemishes, achy areas, insect stings/bites etc…. It is a skin balancer and beautifier and may be used on location for skin support of all kinds. Alone or layered with oils such as Cedarwood, Vetiver, Juniper Berry or Balance “Grounding Blend” , lavender provides great sleep support.

Application for  Mind and Spirit;

Inhale directly from the bottle, apply to a cotton ball, add 1-2 drops to a room diffuser, diffuser necklace or reflects points such as the wrists, back of neck, temples or feet to experience the calming and balancing aroma. It is a perfect oil to use during yoga practice and meditation.

Lavender is also known as “the oil of Communication” aiding individuals with verbal expressions, insecurities ad fears. It assist with truly coming to know oneself, encouraging emotional honesty, allowing one to share and speak innermost thoughts and desires while feeling safe. This is a pathway to experience unconditional love and acceptance. This is the freedom to share your TRUE Self with others with courage!