Decision Fatigue

Part 3: Design the Life you Love

Are you the kind of person that doesn’t committ to much, because you are waiting to see if something better comes along? Do you feel like you are so busy but never quite get things accomplished? Do you have lots of wishes for projects and things you want to get done? Do you wish you had more time to do the things you love and enjoy??? Do you wish you had time to read and relax? I get it. I used to think this way too. I used to say things like;

  • ” I can’t, I’m too busy.”
  • ” I wish I could but I can’t.”
  • “I wish I had time to do this or that.”
  • “Someday I will be able to….”

Does this sound like you? Don’t get me wrong. I have always been involved in good things and pretty good at keeping some sort of schedule. But I seemed to still feel uneasy and unfulfilled. I even began to feel resentful, like I was cutting myself short and not really living the life I wanted.

We all go through seasons of life when it feels like we just can’t fit anything else in. Faith, Family, kids activities, dinners, laundry and trying to squeeze in a date with a spouse or friend seemed to be the last of priorities. Maybe you’ve felt like me? I didn’t feel totally in charge of my life. Even all the good things I was doing didn’t give me the peace, balance and fulfillment I was seeking. When I began to take a closer look at myself , my feelings and my habits, I realized it was never about what anyone else was doing or not doing…. it was about Me! I wasn’t making decisions. I wasn’t consciously choosing my thoughts about all that I was allowing, by default, to fill my time. I wasn’t planning my days and weeks and years to include the things that needed to get done , let alone the things I WANTED to do. I have come to realize that it is my responsibility to create a life that reflects my personal zone of genius!

In short – my life was cluttered. Scattered with this and that and all the inbetweens of life.
The clutter – was both physical and mental and I knew I had to begin on the inside! As I began remove the clutter ( which I am still working on), I could see clear evidence that I was making room for more and more abundance!

My mind was the first thing that needed attention. I began to search for tools of understanding that would help me understand the “why” of my discontent and habits. What I discovered was AMAZING!

I am the boss of my life! I have a passion for one or two specific things and I have a message to share with the world!

I realized that even all of the good things I was doing were clouding out the Most important things I am meant to do! And the truth is, I am the only one who can decide how to spend my time. No one else is responsible for my happiness. No one else controls my choices. I just had to take ownership and make the decision to use my time the way I wanted to and in the ways that feel essential to my purpose. So, I began to clear the clutter. It started with me categorizing the items that are essential and important to me.

  • Personal/ Planning and Preparation -purple
  • Marriage / Family – blue
  • doTERRA Business/ regular Work- green
  • Church/Service -pink

With these categories I am able to choose the amount of time I want to designate for each and time block them on my Calender by Color Coding with highlighters. I also leave space of uncolor coded blocks of time for promptings, miracles or spontaneous fun! Every moment of the day need not to be blocked with color. As a matter of fact – I don’t recommend it or you will be right back where you began.

I have chosen certain activities that pertain to each category. For Example: Personal and Planning includes my daily AM/PM self care steps. It also includes a weekly brain dump where I list on paper all the things that my brain tells me I need to accomplish. These items can fall into any of the above main categories. I can then begin to edit that list according to what is essential, what is important and what can wait or be delegated. The more choices I make ahead of time, the less brain energy I spend on making decisions. The result is that I am more relaxed, productive, less prone to “emergencies” and live in more and more integrity with myself. I give myself permision to say no, when needed, and not feel bad about it. I get to choose time for fun and rest, work and relationships, personal development and dreaming! This is seriously the best way I have found to design and create a life that I love!

As we reduce the piles and clutter in our brain, we naturally move to declutter unecessary “things” in our homes, offices, cars etc… This is the chance to edit physical things and activities that are not serving us in the best ways. These are the items that take up uneccessary space in our minds and time in our days. Here are some action steps I implemented to help me clear the clutter;

  • Determine a “home” for everything ( papers, clothing, keys, laundry etc… everything must have a designated space/container and a limit of what will fit in that space. Honor yourself by honoring the space.
  • Determine to handle incoming/upcoming items immediately – like mail, homework/art, groceries, trash, laundry etc… If you see “it” needs taken care of – do it now or delegate it.
  • Designate no clutter zones – main living areas should be off limits to “dumping” and given a 10 minute tidy morning and night.
  • Anytime you buy something new – get rid of something old. example : buy a new shirt – get rid of at least 1 old shirt ( if not more)
  • Do or delegate 1-2 chores a day that will help your house be clean. This part is about actual cleaning not decluttering.

Whether you have a lot or a little… it doesn’t matter. What matters is how each of us strives to be a good steward over what we have. This includes our mind , our bodies and our homes! We cannot hope to increase our blessings and abundance if we are not making room for it!

We cannot expect to increase our knowledge, understanding, peace and joy or recieve enlightened thoughts if we are burried under indecision and confusion!

As we strive to determine and design our days proactively, we literally make space in our minds for new revelations of how we can be. The light bulb of awareness, empowerment and peace gets brighter and brighter as I strive to live more in harmony with my zone of genius!

Making as many decisions ahead of time as possible will begin to give you the peace of mind you desire. Even a decision to be spontanious! You just have to make space for it.

The question you must ask yourself is,

” Am I living by default or determination?”

These are the first steps to really Living!

Essential Oils for visualizing: Lemon, Sandalwood, Copaiba, Rosemary.

Essential oils for Responsibility: Fennel, Ginger, Eucalyptus and Motivate Blend.

Essential Oils for Searching your Purpose: Spearmint, Wild Orange, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Brave Blend.

To order doTERRA Essential Oils , visit