Self- talk is your story

Part 2: Design the Life you Love

“You are the story you tell yourself.”

If your thoughts were a book, what would that story communicate? If you read it to a friend, a Child, a Spouse or even your future self; what would you want it to say and how do you want it to feel when they read it? Guess What? This is what we are doing every minute of every day. The writing as they say, “is on the wall”. This means that our life experience, the every day experiences we have are the reflection of the beliefs and thoughts we are entertaining.

Whether by default or determination you are choosing the story of your life. What do you want it to say???

If life isn’t giving you what you desire, reflect on what your thoughts are focused on most. If your thoughts are full of blame and justifications, I promise there is lots of drama and little peace. If your thoughts include self degredation , a self beating here and there, I promise there is lack of confidence and self love.

In each of these the root is FEAR. Fear of not being being treated fairly, fear of personal responsibility, fear that we are not enough. The roots that go even deeper , is the truth that we are not fully connected to the divine and our intrinsic value!

It’s a good thing that each of us is the boss of our thoughts and we can believe and think ANYTHING we want! The essential question to ask is, ” Is this thought Serving me for my highest good?”

Here are some suggestions to help you CREATE the story you’d be happy to tell Everyone!

  1. Write a personal declaration describing the qualities, gifts and talents you want to develop and share with the world.
  2. When a low-vibratory (negative) thought enters your mind…. be present with it just long enough to ask, “why? and how is this thought serving me?” Allow for discovery and resolution.
  3. If that thought is a repeat offender, and you’ve already discovered the “why”, let your spirit be the boss and tell it NO! Say, I know where this is coming from and I choose a different way of thinking.
  4. Create a list of ” I am” affirmations to daily cultivate and nuture new Neuropathways in the brain! Post them several places where you will see them throughout the day.
  5. Listen to, watch, read and engage in media that encourages and embodies that which you desire to focus on. THIS IS POWERFUL! Your brain is a stage and you get to choose the players!
  6. Say what you mean and mean what you say – personal integrity is key to creating a mind and life you would be happy to share with others.
  7. Remember – ” I am a Child of God.” God’s love is enough. Even when others fail us, doubt us or degrade us…. the truth is we are always loved and never alone. The other side of this is that we sometimes do the same to others… so be forgiving as much as you want to be forgiven.

What you say may not be true right now. It might even feel fake at first. It’s Ok. You are where you are and you get to choose where to go and what to be from this point; right here, right now. This practice is about focusing on the authentic you and what you desire and believe you will become.

You can believe ANYTHING you Want! You can write and re-write your story anytime you want! So get started writing the best adventure and love story you can imagine for yourself!

Some of my favorite doTERRA EssentialOils to use to create true beliefs and thoughts I love are:

Essential oils for Mindset and Resolve: Lemon, Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile

Essential Oils for Responsibility: Fennel, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Rosemary

Essential Oils for Attitude: Pink Pepper, Geranium, Cedarwood, Marjoram, Turmeric

Essential Oils for Visualizing/ Searching: Lemongrass, Sandalwood, Copaiba, Rosemary, Spearmint, Wild Orange, Clary Sage, Frankincense

Essential Oils for Abundance and feeling Alive: Wild Orange, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Spikenard Lime, Juniper Berry, Eucalyptus, Rosemary

Essential oils for Transition and change: Rosemary, Lime, Cilantro, Cypress

To order these Essential oils or to Join doTERRA with me, please visit

Stay tuned for Part 3: Decision Fatigue