

I was thinking about this word and what it actually meant. It may seem that it means to totally conquer something, or to completely get rid of a problem. But it doesn’t.  The definition I found was this ; to Succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.  This doesn’t imply in any way that the problem goes away. It does however, imply that we, with the power of thought, intention and action we have the capability of rising above or changing our perspective about the problem. 
The energy in which our thoughts resonate create what we attract into our lives.  Napoleon Hill said, ” Every thought you release causes a reaction. If not on somebody else , on the person who released  the thought….. Every thought that you express, silently even, becomes a definite part of the pattern of your subconscious mind…. If you store  in that subconscious mind enough negative thoughts, you will be predominantly negative. And if you follow the habit of releasing only the  positive thoughts your  subconscious pattern will be predominantly positive. And you will attract to you all of the things that you want. If you’re negative you will repel the things that you want and attract only the things you don’t want.” 
I know people who have experienced significant and terrible trials, accidents and even unthinkable abuse in this life. Can we say they attracted those things to them? Well in some cases yes and maybe in some cases no. But with every trial, accident or abuse, I know for sure, there is a lesson to be learned and something that can be Overcome. That is the challenge and purpose of the human mind and spirit. 
It may seem unfair to expect that someone who experiences these types of things to overcome them. To rise from all they have experienced. But it’s not. Napoleon Hill also expressed this, ” It is every person’s responsibility to be successful in life.” 
We see examples of these people all around us. And it’s apparent to me that the power of their mind has everything to do with their choice to be happy andsuccessful. As humans, we can be compassionate and sympathetic to those who experience unfavorable circumstances. We can and should serve those in need while also empowering them to know what they are truly capable of.  One of the best ways to do this is to live in our own truth passion and purpose. 
” We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it
is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.” 
Marianne Williamson
It is an absolute Truth, that we create our reality with every thought we have, spoken or unspoken. When we lead our lives with our heart in Love and Light  we can be assured peace of mind which is the essence of the idea and ability to overcome. 
Thyme oil – The oil of Releasing and Forgiving
Melissa – the Oil of Light
Lime – The oil of Zest for life
Lavender – the oil of Communication
Ginger – The oil of Empowerment
Geranium – The oil of Love and Trust.
Comment below or contact me @ djwescott4@gmail.com to learn more about these essential oils and  natural wellness classes.