Tune into Abundance

 Some interesting events have been taking place in my life lately. I have been working on my belief, thoughts and actions related to the law of attraction. I mean , I  know about Karma and the idea that what comes around goes around… but do I really believe that I  can create or attract to myself an abundant income? And the answer is YES! After shifting my thoughts and behaviors over a  period of time and making some adjustments in perception and belief, related to myself and others, I can see that our thoughts and words  are truly our creation power. We carry with us a vibrational energy with which things are attracted to us… positive or negative. The awesome part to understand, is that I am powerful to design my life just the way I want it. Of course, there is opposition in all things , but ultimately, I get to choose how I respond to it  including my thoughts, emotions and actions. Knowing this puts me in a position of empowerment! Rather than allowing others or situations to put me in a victim mentality, I get to choose to be proactive instead of reactive.  This allows me to attract to my life the outcomes I desire. It doesn’t mean that life won’t be hard sometimes, but just because something is hard doesn’t mean it is bad.  There is something to gain from every experience and  I know this is true  from experiential evidence.

You see,  I closed my  20 yr. old steady income  business 2 months ago. Which was hard, scary and exciting at the same time. Now as I am working to create a steady abundant income in alignment with my passion and purposes, I feel more abundance than ever before.  I feel the possibilities of what I am creating in my life and it lies completely free and open for the accepting before me. The TRUTH is , it is as simple as behaving like I am wealthy. I  believe  I have unlimited time, skills, talents, and money with which I am choosing to share with others freely.  I speak in the present tense about being wealthy and have goals to help me move forward in those things that set my soul on fire. . I affirm my abundance in the NOW and trust that God/ universe will facilitate just that. I don’t know specifics of how it will manifest , but I know it will.

How do I tune into abundance? It may be as simple as choosing to call someone up and say I would like to serve you for an hour tomorrow, what can I do for you. Or teaching others about things that have so much influence for good in  my life, or paying for $100 in necessary supplies for a person in need, or leaving an $11 tip for a $19 restaurant bill, or attending a $500  personal development conference…  All positive actions that benefit myself and others but may not make any sense ( to most people) for someone in my position!  But, guess what happens? Someone offers gratitude and thanks for the service,  gain a new client  in a very unexpected way, $60 is given  without reason,  more clarity, growth and personal empowerment is achieved or 7 hours later  unexpectedly being given FREE food that was twice the cost of the tip you left in the morning!!! ( All of these have been part of my last  couple weeks) I am not telling these things to ” Toot my own horn” but to share gratitude for the manifestation of those things that I desire… To have abundance so that I can share with and serve others abundantly.  I desire it and act in accordance with it and release it to the universe. I am seeing blessings every where I turn and I give gratitude for everything.  I am not earning anything. Abundance  already exists. I am just manifesting the beliefs that I am cultivating through positive thought and truthful action.

As I present myself to the world as I mean to be, my authentic self, with no thought to what others think of me,  I am accepting the natural undeniable gifts of the laws of God/universe. All knowledge, all love, all support and growth is available to me at all times. And it’s available to ALL!

A large part of this growth is about overcoming fear and false beliefs…. and when I  do this, I feel powerful to achieve my dreams. And the cool part, is that my dreams always include the wellness and welfare of others.  Maybe when each person discovers their  authentic self, purpose and passion, the wellness and welfare of others will be at the center? Maybe this is the way to change the world!

Wild Orange – The oil of Abundance
Lemon – The oil of Focus
Cypress – the Oils of Motion and Flow
Geranium – the oil of Love and Trust

Oils support me emotionally and physically every day. To learn more or find out more about the oils I use contact me at djwescott4@gmail.com