Addictions… of all kinds

Do you have an addiction? I do, or did or sometimes still do. Hi , my name is Debbie Wescott and I am a recovering sugar addict.

I have given this topic some serious thought; thinking about what ails people of this world and if we really recognize all the addictions there are and  more importantly what we would gain without them.

I think about the typical addictions including smoking, alcohol and drugs. These seem to be becoming so common place or treated with such casualness, it just a little confusing to me.  Just fyi… this is not about judging people, it’s more about making “truth” judgements related to these  behaviors. I believe All of God’s creations are here for a good purpose but what I have come to understand is that, we, “man”, finds a way to pervert the truthful uses and purposes of things. I also believe people are inherently good, but not all of our choices are.  So… what about other addictions which may seemingly, not be so serious… but maybe they are serious?  The dictionary defines addiction this way; “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity.”

Image result for addicted to tv watching

I look around me, and not very far away, I can see addictions to soda, food, sweets, cell phones, TV, shopping, and even working! But does anyone actually recognize these as an addiction? Or do we skirt around them , justifying them as a mere “habit” and/or way to “enjoy” ourselves, or “veg out” or “disconnect” from life?  I guess there are some factors to consider; the time and/or regularity we give to something and whether we can “live” without it or be happy and in control ( mind and body)  without it.

So what constitutes having an addiction?  Here’s what I found about this ; “the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming” … That word , ” enslaved” really stands out to me.  Think about it… something that holds you captive, but not in the awe inspiring sort of way.  It takes your concentration of thought, your time , your money, your attention… your control or ability to be in control. Maybe it’s not something you do every day, but it’s the only way you know how to spend your evenings or weekends?  Most likely it’s  something that allows you to be numb to life and even your true purpose or mission in life.  In short, it’s really a choice between habits or behaviors that allow us expansion and freedom, or cause us  to be constricted and in bondage?

Now, I am not saying it’s not ok to disconnect or find a way to decompress from every day life. But I am thinking about the ways you and I choose to do this and if they are truly nurturing to our bodies and souls.  I guess I am just asking myself and YOU, if there are adjustments we can make that are more in alignment with the potential of who we are to become? I believe we are each a child of God. I understand that it’s up to each of us to find out what our mission and message is. Maybe you can start here, and ask , ” who am I to become?”  Whatever you are in bondage to, this is where healing can begin.

I love  diffusing lemongrass essential oil to clear negativity. Frankincense to help me recognize truth and connect to the divine. Cleansing Blend, Clove and Black pepper essential oils to help support cleansing, the release of addictive substances and to  fortify me in creating healthy boundaries.