Happiness… do you feel it?


Why do we resist that which we most desire?

I didn’t feel like hiking today. For those who know me, this could come as a shock. (hiking is one of my loves)  I was a little sore and feeling a little out of balance. But I went anyway. I didn’t choose the easiest hike. I chose one that challenged me just a bit. As I began hiking, I began to feel better. I felt energized, capable and strong. I felt Good! I felt Happy!  I then had the thought, ” Why do I (people)  sometimes resist that which I want  most in life?”

 Would you agree that most if not all people have a desire to be happy? I think it’s safe to say that most people desire good health, an abundant income and strong loving connections and relationships with others.  In essence these are the things that equate happiness for most. Would you agree? So how do we achieve it?
Choosing the path of least resistance is an interesting thing. In truth and theory it means focusing our energies on the things we want most.  ( btw… when I say “energy” I mean thought, word and action) So why don’t we do it? Is it really easier to not exercise or eat nutritionally dense food? Is it really easier to not understand our ailments? Is it really easier to stuff our emotions down, ignore them or push them aside.  Is it really easier to remain a victim to circumstance , false beliefs or our own fears?   Is it really easier not to seek greater knowledge for health, wealth and relationships? Is it really easier to be in resistance to other people? Is it really easier to withhold love?  Is it really easier to not make the effort ? Is it really easier to allow others to be the authorities in our lives?  Is it really easier to not change our thoughts? Ok… you get the idea.  The path of least resistance really means to NOT resist that which we really want! It means to behave in congruency with what we DO want.  Read that again…. Let it sink in. Do you get it?
I often reflect on my own journey of awareness that began just a  year ago; I felt the intense desire to get myself in order. I wanted to feel good and be happy mind, body and spirit. I had a desire to discover and live my life purpose and passions. One of the ways I began was to get my body in order.  I had attempted this before on many occasions. But It was different this time… I wasn’t focused solely on loosing weight. I wanted to be strong and capable. I wanted to be able to move and do things. I didn’t want to feel limited or restricted physically and knew I always wanted to be able to take care of myself;  especially looking forward in time, thinking about my children, and the sort of life I wanted to live as I progress in years. For me, it began with changing how I ate, my relationship with food and understanding how food affects my  spirit as well as my body. On this journey ( which I am still on and continue to LOVE ) I changed spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The mental and physical preparation related to food was a schooling for me to see myself being physically active on a regular basis. And now, because of all that work , I believe in the results I want and I see them coming to fruition…. I am strong and capable! I am honest with myself and I honor myself through keeping my energy ( thoughts, words and actions) congruent with my desires. I am no longer resisting that which I desire most!!!
This principle reaches far beyond my desire to be strong and capable physically because along this path I have found my true self. I now understand that it is my divine right to be whole. It is my divine right to access all the health, wealth and ideal relationships I desire in this life. I understand now, that the path of least resistance is to embrace ALL that is life, for what it teaches me. It’s by making conscious choices in thought, word and action in alignment with what I most desire that allows me to be in  a state of Happiness. It’s about making my spirit the BOSS…not my subconscious mind, other people or influences around me. Because Spirit is always grounded in Truth.
Trust me there are “pay offs” to NOT living in accordance with what we truly desire and that pay off  is full of excuses, false beliefs and FEAR!  Think about that, and think about what your pay offs might be?
* do you easily blame others for your emotions, feelings, inadequecies
* do you say you don’t have time  or are you more often late to work or other appointments
Side note; This expression ” I don’t have time”, is a false statement. Time never ends, it’s only how we choose to use our time that is the truth. It’s time to take responsibility for this.. pointing at myself first!
* do you tell yourself you will begin  tomorrow, next week, month or  next year
* do you tell yourself you are not smart enough or don’t have enough money etc…
* do you blame old family beliefs or traditions for why you are living the way you are OR maybe you are not even aware that you are doing it!
* do you blame your life experiences, the  government or other groups for your position
* do you consistently feel negative feelings thinking that if only someone else would  do “xyz”??? “Then I will be happy”.
I could go on, but I won’t. IF these are the things you are focusing your energy on, then I have no doubt that lack, blame, drama, and imbalance are the things you are attracting to your life and in someway ( or multiple ways)  you are not taking full responsibility for who you are and what you want from life.  And trust me… I had to face and still face these pay offs regarding myself, so this is NOT about blaming anyone or pointing out faults. We all have them.  If anything these understandings have brought to me greater love for myself, individuals and human kind. This is about raising awareness, consciousness and increasing knowledge and understanding about TRUTH, LOVE and LIGHT, beginning with myself.
The truth is that I am an amazing creator with the ability divinely appointed in me to DO whatever I set my mind/body/spirit to do. The more successful I am at accomplishing this depends on my alignment to truth and goodness and God. His perfect plan is all about each of us achieving true everlasting joy. It is not some far distant time or place that this will happen. It is a state of being. It is a constant residence in choosing the path of least resistance.  We show in the now what we believe we can achieve.  We show in the now that we are willing to accept God’s will for our lives. If we don’t, how can we be prepared to receive what we desire and what he desires for us???
 God cannot bring TO You what he can bring THROUGH You! It is a divine and universal law.  If this is truth, it is truth for ALL…. even and especially you!
Ask yourself … Do I have a dream? This is where it begins.