Slowing Down…the day my internet stopped working.

It’s been almost 48 hours since our internet went out. Mind you, we have cell phone data that has allowed us to use our hot spot when needed, like now as I write this post.  I have been thinking about a series of events that have occurred in the last couple days. I continue to ponder about  how God shows Himself in our lives and is always trying to teach us.  Just as there are patterns in nature, God sometimes shows His concern or interest for us in patterns. And that’s exactly what has happened to me. And it is not by accident.  

The internet is out and my husband is not a reader. I am. As I left the house last night for a meeting with women from my church, I half jokingly suggested to him, ” You could read tonight.”  I don’t think he thought it was funny. But the truth is we all sometimes fall into this trap … prison walls even, of needing to be entertained. Admit it, If you  find yourself in the unusual predicament of having to wait for something…. waiting in a grocery line, at a red light, at a doctor’s appointment or the like, you have become conditioned by society and technology to find something to fill the time.  In the old days, we sat and waited all the while “thinking”, pondering and maybe even reading a magazine like the readers digest or National Geographic!  Do our children even know what that is??? 

As I woke up at my normal 5:30-6 am alarm, I was consciously aware that I had some extra time this morning.  I could not listen to my scriptures as I usually do,  so I read them; drinking in the stories, meanings and profound teachings, some of which stood out like neon lights to enlighten my mind and tell me that God is aware of ME! He wants me to learn His words and recognize His voice. I still had time, so I laid in bed and continued to read articles from the LDS Ensign Magazine and guess what was there for me?  Three articles in a row about nurturing divine connection, priorities, particularly putting God/gospel learning first and allowing time to be still!  As I write this, I realize this pattern of “signs” if you will, began earlier this week. Let me illustrate by the sequence of happenings: 

  1.  Mentor phone call discussing gaining a clearer vision of my purpose, goals and DREAMS. Also, helping me see that Rest , being still, is important and OK for ME
  2.  I continue Pondering and Praying about these things
  3. Waiting at a Doctors appointment with my mom, and just talking with her.  And her saying, ” when you have time, I will take you to lunch.” 
  4. Multiple promptings to express to the women in that meeting, the importance of taking time each day to fill their own spiritual/emotional “lamps”, Set specific time aside for their husbands each week, as well as their children.  Not just for the dutiful “have to’s” but to connect and have fun or to just be still. 
  5. The internet goes out at our home
  6.  Reading Scriptures instead of just listening
  7.  Taking the extra morning time to be still, rest and read. 
  8. Three Articles laid before me, teaching me of the importance of slowing down and aligning my priorities and habits with the Lord. 
  9. Feeling prompted to write and share my story. 

And then, I open my email and read my Daily OM article and this stands out like Neon lights again…. 

“If we bear in mind that all we think and all we do will shape the existence we know, we can deliberately direct the energetic motion of our lives.” 

So here I am and here you are…. and all that comes to mind is ” How do you want to shape your life?” “What kind of energetic motion do you want to Create?”   I am seeing that when I am mindful and aware, God is teaching me all the time. As good as I think my habits are… God knows I can become better.  I am being refined and I am thankful.  So SLOW DOWN my friends! Listen and Watch for the patterns being shown to you. 

See the Neon lights?