Sleep Support

Essential Oils ~  The TRUTH is I use them every day; Morning, day and night. I began using Lavender for sleep support and then moved to a Grounding Blend for stress and calming or just  to start the day as well as shut my brain down at night. Here’s a suggested recipe for sleep that could support you!

Over time, I have learned the purpose of essential oils is to bring us back into balance from whatever we may be experiencing ; mind, body and spirit!  They have awakened me to true wellness and always seem to affect me on a spiritual/emotional level in addition to the physical benefits. I have learned to listen to my body and intuition to guide me and often I feel drawn to particular oils. Other times, I may find an oil is not as appealing but use it anyway for a period of time and discover that it soon becomes either tolerable or more appealing. This tells me I am changing…. for the better. I LOVE essential oils and the journey I am on, due in large part to my education and use of them. They carry LIGHT and positive energy which has had a profound effect on my whole way of living.

Contact me to find out where to buy the  Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils I use! (