It’s the little things

Its the little things that make the most impact. This is a lesson I am learning right now as part of my journey. I am discovering that the ( positive) things I focus on are the things that are pushing me forward in the direction I want to go. The speed doesn’t necessarily matter but the consistent daily effort is key. Some things come easy and some things don’t.   All of them are so easy that they can be easily forgotten or pushed aside. I have found that the simple act of calling and inviting people to natural wellness classes has been a huge challenge for me. Why? Well I didn’t know at first. But I knew there was a lesson to learn. So after  a lot of soul searching into experiences of my life and  through study, prayer and a dream, I was given a message from my subconscious mind. I realized that I had a mental/emotional block related to a negative past experience.with a specific phone call I made at about age 10. Yes, experiences from the past can affect our future …but now that I know what it is, I choose to release that negative experience and the thoughts that come with it. I choose to overcome! That’s the beauty of personal power , the power of creation lies in the little things we think and do each day. They either move us towards our greatest desires and greatest potential or vice versa.  I LOVE knowing that I have the power to choose to be MORE each day of who I am authentically designed to be. I know that through my good energy and efforts I add to the collective good in the world and that makes me JOYFUL!

The first thing a person can do is to observe their life; beliefs, habits and circumstances. I can honestly say you are probably just exactly where you are meant to be eight now. (But that doesn’t mean you’re meant to stay there)   Don’t judge the past or live too far into the future merely wishing for this or for that. Appreciate the things of the past for what they taught you and then LIVE in the present, moment to moment, grateful for who you are and then  create thoughts and action that move you to become MORE of who you want to be;  When you find the TRUTH of who you want to be I can nearly guarantee it will be in alignment with your true ( God given)  purpose.  You will know’re on the right path because you will be filled with LIGHT, It;s amazing how the universe works that way.

PS, My day always begins and ends with the use of  essential oils. They carry high vibration energies which assist and support my mind and body. I have increased clarity, focus, immunity, sleep,  and am able to manage stress easily. In short they help me stay healthy, mind body and spirit.
If you want to learn more about the oils that I use visit Facebook,com/debdiyhealthcare  or email me at