Your body knows what it needs – listen!

I was just thinking about the oils I’ve been using a lot lately and realized that there is a reason I’ve been drawn to them, so I wanted to share this bit of enlightenment I just received yesterday .

I’ve been using a combo of grapefruit and Frankincense everyday for over a month. I use them on my diffuser necklace, on my skin with extra virgin coconut oil or my favorite Unscentrd carrier lotion; and I love this combo so much!!! Then it dawned on me why.

I am in a conscious place  of working on feeling good physically. I exercise 4-5 days a week doing things that I love and training myself to love and appreciate the kinds of workouts ( gym) that used to be a bit unfavorable. I use positive self talk with the intention of releasing fat and toxins freely from my body. I affirm that my body systems work in harmony and that I love foods that are for my highest good. Along with the physical attention, I give attention to my spiritual body/mind. Prayer, meditation , scriptures and personal development recordings for positive thought and intention are an essential part of my day… Particularly at the beginning.

Grapefruit is the oil of Honoring the Body. Frankincense  is the oil of Connecting  to the Divine. It absolutely makes sense that I’m being directed to use these two particular oils! I’m becoming more intune with myself.  I’m listening and it’s Amazing!

Our physical and spiritual beings are divinely designed to be in harmony with each other… This is exactly why these two oils are the ones I have been intuitively drawn to use daily.  God is reaching out to help me…. I feel it and I know it.
Our subconscious mind Knows what we need! I believe .getting in tune with ourself , as a whole, is the best thing we can do to create a balanced and abundant life! This pursuit has opened so much to my understanding of who I am and what I have come to know is my purpose in life. I feel so blessed to have the oils in my life and feel of God’s  love everytime I use them. I understand over and over the empowerment they provide ; mind, body and spirit!

I just wonder ….what is your body saying to you? And are you listening?

Want to learn more about the Essential oils I use? Contact me at or visit