Busy as a badge of honor


Life is just crazy right now!

If you hear yourself saying this , you are projecting this expectation onto your life!

Are you so busy that you only focus on the things that “NEED” to get done? Is your day filled to overflowing and leaves your feeling like a failure at times. Do you feel there aren’t enough hours in a day?

Yes, I can identify with you. I used to feel like this and occasionally fall into that same trap or pattern. The problem is that these beliefs and patterns leave us feeling overwhelmed, incapable, flustered and frustrated. None of which are feelings of light and truth. The Good thing is that these feelings are a starting point for change!

It’s easy to get caught up in the every day demands of life.  As a mom , entrepreneur or anyone for that matter, we often allow ourselves to become victims of the ” Survival Mode” . This is  exactly where the opposition wants you to be.  Think about this; If you don’t have time to think about your true self, your mission and purpose, then Gods plan for you will be thwarted. If you are consumed with the every day “to do list” and supposed responsibilities of every role you have in life, except for your most important one, then God’s plan for you is forgotten and pushed aside.

We are all brought into this world with light and truth and a gift to share with the world. But as we grow we are imprinted upon with expectations and ideals from relationships and our culture. We accumulate many beliefs along the way which may be important for our journey, but which can cloud our truest self;  Our divine mission and message.

Each of us has one. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

As I have progressed as a person, first recognizing the things I love and what I am most passionate about and then taking action to determine how to  live it, I have come to understand a profound truth. The truth is that each of us has the opportunity to make choices based on FEAR or FAITH. All Emotions and dispositions are rooted in these Two feelings,   Take a look at the graphic below(created by my friend Jade Balden)   and consider which emotions or perceptions you mostly work from. Which feelings do you mostly identify with ; Fear and Faith?

 Just to be clear, this message is not about judgement but about self evaluation and awareness. Once you identify where you mostly operate from , don’t judge yourself harshly. A great opportunity has just presented itself;  To ask questions! Here are a few to consider;
1. What am I afraid of?
2. Is this how I want to feel?
3. Am I operating from truth and love?
4. Is there someone I can forgive , including myself?
5. Do I depend on others to feel loved?
6. Am I often offended , hold grudges or believe my position is right?
7. Do I often blame others for how I feel or my circumstances?
8. Do I Dream? Do I believe I can have and do all things that are important to me?
9. Am I easily rattled by others, by situations and surprises of life?
And most importantly…
10. What am I to learn and what am I to do?
Now , sit back and just listen. Be still and allow yourself to be taught. Your higher self and the higher power ( l call God, or Heavenly Father)  will  provide you with some insights and direction.
It’s true that things don’t always seem Black or White. A friend explained it to me this way. There are only two forces in this life. Truth and False. Let’s call Truth = White/ Light and let’s call False = Black/ Darkness. When we allow darkness ( also called FEAR)  to enter our thoughts, our natural design as beings of light is clouded and things become gray. This is a state of confusion and cloudiness. Our  divine design and desire is to achieve clarity and light… and it’s possible!
While it’s important to accomplish certain things in our lives on a daily basis, I think one of the biggest traps and misconceptions  of our time, is that if your Busy , you’re productive and accomplished.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said this , ” Isn’t it true that we often get so busy? And, sad to say, we even wear our busyness as a badge of honor, as though being busy, by itself, was an accomplishment or sign of a superior life.  Is it?”
Even if they are good things, they may not be the  truest things for your focus.
The truth is that God has provided us the perfect amount of time in a day. The truth is that we often focus on checking the boxes and worrying about all the details that it consumes us to the point where  we are not Choosing to SEE or  ALLOW for heavenly help. For divine grace or Miracles!
A good way to gauge is by your physical experiences. Do you have headaches, tingling in fingers, pressure in shoulders or lower back? These things are signals to our spirit that we are out of balance. They are telling us it’s time to listen and make adjustments!
My sincere advice to you ( and myself) is to Make Room for Miracles! Allow for divine sense and guidance and determine to listen and DO those things that are essential each day. Not by the measure of man, but by the love and light of truth!
Essential Oils that help me shift into awareness and receptivity are ; Frankincense, Sandalwood, Digestzen, Ylang Ylang and Spikenard.
Please visit and like my page at www.facebook.com/Debdiyhealthcare or to order CPTG Essential Oils visit http://mydoterra.com/debdiyhealthcare